What are the best sizes for the app icon, logo and menu items?

App icon

The app icon is displayed on the start screen of the end device and as a favicon in the browser window.

Size: 1024 x 1024 px

Format: png


Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-19 um 16.14.34.png

Note: Flip supports adaptive icons on Android devices so that your app icon is displayed optimally on all devices and Android versions. This means that the icon can take on a different shape (e.g. round or square) depending on the Android device. More information on adaptive icons can be found here.



The logo is displayed on the login screen and in the app.
It should be rectangular and 720 x 360 px.

Format: png

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-19 um 16.21.40.png



Menu item

Size: 300 x 300 px

Format: png

Note that the title is at the bottom of the menu item and may cover parts of the image.




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