Analytics - Usage and Channels



→ hover over the ℹ️ icon next to a chart’s title to get more information about the date period


previous day = refers to the current status of the data, which was last updated based on the value of the previous day (e.g. on May 4, the status of May 3 23:59 is displayed).

today = refers to the current status of the data, which is the current day (today). The data shows the most recent update available (reloaded daily around 6am, 12am and 6pm).

l30d = Last 30 days




Licenses = All Flip licenses available to your company according to the contract. The Channel Filter does not apply to “Total Licences” as Licences can not be assigned to specific Channels.

Created Users = User accounts created in Flip that are available for use (licenses used). Deleted Users are not considered.

Onboarded User = Created User who has logged in at least once. Deleted Users are not considered.

Onboarding Progress % = Onboarded Users / Created Users in %

MAU = Monthly Active Users, number of unique active users within 30d.

WAU = Weekly Active Users, number of unique active users within 7d.

DAU = Daily Active Users, number of unique active users within 24h.

l30d avg = Last 30-day average: computing the average DAU value of the last 30 days for a more stable indicator (smoothing seasonal fluctuations due to weekdays, holiday seasons, etc.).

DAU/MAU = ratio of daily active users (last 30d average) to all active users per month (MAU). A DAU/MAU ratio of 50% would mean that your users engage with your app, on average, 15 out of 30 days (= “Stickiness” in %)

Stickiness = Indicator to measure how on many days Users are active per month. Computed by multiplying the DAU/MAU ratio * 30 days. Example: A value of 15 means that your users engage with your app on 15 out of 30 days (= DAU/MAU ratio of 50%)

MAU/WAU/DAU % Onboarded = Share of MAU/WAU/DAU in all Onboarded Users (as of the last day of the respective 30/7/1-day period) in %.

Channel Member = User added to a Channel (Users removed from a Channel are not considered).



AU / Active User = User who has read at least one post in the newsfeed in the given period of time

Never-logged-in User = Difference between all users and onboarded users

Deleted User = former user who no longer exists and is no longer counted as a user because the account has been deleted




Users + unused Licenses

= (Onboarded Users + Never-logged-in Users) + unused Licenses

= ((Active Users + Inactive Users) + Never-logged-in Users) + unused Licenses




💡 The Post Performance Module is activated per default but can be hidden on request. Please contact your Customer Success Manager in case you can’t see / don’t wish to see post performance insights.

Post = Post published in a Channel within the newsfeed. Deleted Posts are not included.

Post Title = Title of the Post as given by the Post Author.

Channel Name = Name of the Channel (former: Post Group) where the Post was published.

Published Date = Day when the Post was published in the Channel.

Published Hour = Hour of the day when the Post was published in the Channel. All interactions are captured in CTE/CTSE timezone.

Reach % = Ratio of unique Users having seen a Post compared to all Members of the Channel. Computation: Post Seens / Onboarded Users (of the according Channel).

Post Seens = Count of unique Channel Members having seen a Post.

Total Interactions = Includes all actions a User can do with a Post: Post Reactions, Post Comments, Post Comment Reactions, Survey Votes, Bookmarks.

Has/had Highlight = Indicates whether a Post was ever highlighted (now or in the past) (paid feature).

Has Attachment = Indicates whether a Post has at least one Attachment (picture, video, file).

Has Survey = Indicates whether a Post includes a Survey (paid feature).





Message = Message written in the "Chat" section (private or in a chat group). Deleted Messages are not included.

Avg. Messages per Active User = Average number of Messages per AU within the given period

Post = Post published in a group within the newsfeed. Deleted Posts are not included.

Avg. Posts per Active User = Average number of posts per AU within the given period

Total Post Reactions = Sum of post-related reactions a User can make: Post Reactions + Post Comment Reactions. Revoked Reactions are not included.

Avg. Post Reactions per Active User = Average number of Reactions per AU within the given period

Post Comment = Comment written on a post. Deleted Comments are not included.

Avg. Comments per Active User = Average number of comments per AU within the given period

Newsfeed = Area in Flip where posts and updates in Channels are displayed ("News" icon)

Chat = Area in Flip where messages can be sent and received to individuals or group Chats

Private Chat = Chat with a single person

Group Chat = Chat with a group (min. 2 people)

Channel = Former “Post Group” in which posts can be published, commented and liked



Posts with Highlights = Posts that have been highlighted at any point in time.

Posts not Highlighted = Posts that have never been highlighted.

Posts with Surveys = Posts with poll to which all users who see the post can respond (additional feature)

Posts without Surveys = regular Post published in a group within the newsfeed

Tasks = Total Tasks created.

Tasks per User = Average number of Tasks created per User

Calendar Events = Total Calendar Entries created.

Events per User = Average number of Calendar Entries created per User

Translated Characters =  Translated characters: Additional feature that translates the desired post with one click (Posts, Messages, Comments, Tasks).

Included Characters  = Number of translatable characters included in the contract (if this capacity is exceeded extra charges will apply)



APP UPGRADE (new mobile app)

Total Users to upgrade = all onboarded Users who need to upgrade (all mobile Users that are not using a branded Android app, i.e. iOs Users and Android Users on PWA). There might be users who's device remains unknown due to their notification settings.

Users successfully upgraded = all onboarded Users who had to upgrade and have successfully performed the upgrade process and logged into new app at least once

Users not upgraded = all onboarded Users who need to upgrade and haven’t completed the upgrade process yet

Upgrade Progress % = Total Users upgraded / Users to be upgraded

Device type = upgrade-relevant category of a User’s device: desktop, “has to be migrated”, Android*, unknown**

* in case of a branded Android app these users do not have to upgrade manually

** device of a user could not be tracked

Status per upgrading User = within the upgrade process, each user can have one of 3 stages: device_code_generated, device_code_redeemed, device_logged_in. Every User with status “device_logged_in” is upgraded.

Total Upgrade duration (d) = number of days since the start of the upgrade process. Upgrade start is considered the day that the first upgrade was triggered (device code generated).

Avg. Users upgraded per day = Total Users upgraded / Upgrade duration, indicates the average number of Users upgraded successfully per day.

Users upgraded: yesterday = Users who upgraded successfully yesterday (latest full-day)

Users upgraded: last 7 days = Users who upgraded successfully within the last 7 complete days (rolling).

Weekly running total of upgraded Users = Running total of successfully upgraded Users, grouped by calendar week.


FAQ: Dashboard & KPIs

  • Can I view other numbers that are not available in the dashboard?
    Currently, we only providing the insights you can find in your Admin Console. However, we are working hard to provide you with even more insights in the future. If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
  • Which timeframe is applied to the charts that are not filterable?
    For the charts that cannot be filtered, the time period is indicated either in the name of the chart or in the info text (opens when you hover over the grey information symbol next to the title), e.g. Status: previous day.
  • What does “Status: previous day” mean?
    This refers to the current status of the data shown, which was last updated based on the data of the previous day (e.g. on May 4, the status of May 3 23:59 is displayed).
  • Why is there no data history from before April 2023 displayed?
    The new dashboard version is based on a different data source that provides more detailed information on the Channel memberships. However, since this data source was implemented end of March 2023, we have only been able to collect data from that point onwards. To ensure the integrity of the data and the usability of the Channel Filter feature, we made the decision not to supplement it with data from the old source, which would have compromised its functionality. In case there is a decision / meeting for which you need to see the longer history of your data we may provide you with the data of the old version of the dashboard (no channel details). Please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.
  • Why is the DAU displayed as last 30 day average, but WAU and MAU are shown as the values of a single day?
    The DAU considers a 24-hour period, which can be affected by fluctuations related to weekdays. To make the value more stable, we calculate the average over a longer period. For example, if we were to show the monthly DAU using only the last day of each month, the value may be lower if the last day happens to be a Sunday.
  • Why are MAU/WAU/DAU numbers shown from the “previous day” instead of “today”?
    Since the number of Active Users is subject to continuous change throughout the day, the morning count often significantly differs from the end-of-day count. To offer you a more reliable indicator, we display the value of the previous day.
  • Post Performance: Understanding the Bar Visualization in the Table
    The bars in the table represent the Created and Onboarded Users in a visual manner. The visualization is in the form of columns, where each column represents a different value. The highest value in the column represents 100% and the bar is completely filled. The other bars are compared to this highest value and filled accordingly. It is important to note that the filling of the Created Users bar is independent of the filling of the Onboarded Users bar, and vice versa.
  • International timezones: How does the timezone conversion work?
    All user activities are tracked in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). As most of our users are currently located in Germany, we’re converting all UTC times into German timezone.
  • Are the posts surveys also being translated via the translation feature?
    Yes, surveys are also translated when clicking the translation button.
  • App Upgrade: How are Users with multiple devices counted?
    To measure a successful app upgrade, each user registered with at least one upgrade relevant device is counted as unique user. As soon as one upgrade relevant device has upgraded successfully the user is considered as “upgraded”.

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