How can I schedule posts in advance?

💡 This function is an add-on. It is therefore only available if it is included in the scope of functions of your employee app.
💡 Note
: Only channel administrator have the possibility to plan posts in advance and thus flexibly adapt them to their time management.
How to appoint other channel administrator is described here. This setting can also be made as a system administrator in the Admin Console: How can I add members to a contribution group and configure them?

How can I schedule posts in advance?

  1. Create a post.
    How to create posts can be read again in the following article: How do I create a post?
  2. To schedule this post, click on the "Schedule post" button and select the date and time and click on "Finish".
  3. Once you have entered this information, click on the "Post" button.
  4. Your post is now created and will be published on the planned date in the selected channel.


Where can I see the planned posts?

Already planned posts, which are not yet published, can be found in the news area by using the button "Scheduled". These can be edited if necessary.

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