How can I hide/show or delete a chat?

How can I hide a chat?

You can hide an individual chat or group chat by long pressing on the respective chat on your mobile phone or going into the three-point menu on your desktop and selection "Hide chat".
If a chat is hidden, it will of course continue to exist.
It is not possible to delete an individual chat so that it can no longer be found.

How can I show a hidden chat again?

You can easily find the hidden chat again via the search function. If you receive a message or write a message in a hidden chat, it will reappear in the overview.


Leave/Delete Group Chat

A group chat can be archived, exited and deleted.

Leave: Click on the name or group picture in the corresponding group chat and then select "Leave chat".

Delete: A group chat can only be deleted by the chat administrator.
If you are the chat administrator, you can select the desired group or chat and click on its name or group picture. Then the option to delete the chat appears at the bottom.
Attention: A deleted group chat cannot be restored.

It is not possible to delete an individual chat so that it can no longer be found.

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