Knowledge Base

💡 This feature is currently only available in the new desktop design. All information on activating and using the new desktop design can be found here.

💡 This feature is currently marked as a LABS feature. This means this feature might change and is currently only available as early access.

How can I activate the Knowledge Base?

Speak to your Customer Success Manager. Our CS-team will activate the feature for you.

Manage Main Pages in the Admin Console

Note: The Knowledge Base is only possible with user groups or the assignment of individual users.

Our Knowledge Base consists of Main Pages and Pages.

Main Pages can be managed in the Admin Console and Pages can be created directly in the application as subpages of Main Pages.

To create a Page for the Knowledge Base, you must first create a Main Page in the Admin Console.


Create a Main Page

  1. Go to the Admin Console
  2. Go to Content
  3. Go to Pages
  4. Create a new Main Page by clicking on "+ New main page"
  5. Add a Page title to the Main Page. This title will appear in the App on the top level.
  6. Add a Managing User Group. The managing User Group is responsible for managing the Page. This information can be changed afterwards if needed. Only relevant, if user groups are activated in general.
  7. Decide whether you want the Page to be activated or deactivated directly.
    1. If a Page is deactivated, the whole Page is not visible in your Employee-App for the assigned members.
    2. If a Page is activated, the whole Page is visible in your Employee-App for the assigned members.
    3. Note: You can activate and deactivate a Page at every time.

Adding members to a Main Page

  1. Go to a Main Page
  2. Add users the same way you can do it for Channels
    1. Option 1: Add users via user groups (only possible if user groups are activated)
    2. Option 2: Add users manually
  3. Every user will be added as Viewer. Those users have the rights to view Pages in the App.
  4. You can change the role of a user from Viewer to Editor. Those users can draft, publish edit and delete Pages underneath the respective Main Page.

Update a Main Page

The owner of the managing User Group can update the Main Page at any time.

Delete a Main Page

The owner of the managing User Group can delete the Main Page at any time.

Create a Page

As an editor of a Main Page, you can create or draft a Page within the respective Main Page.

  1. Navigate to the Knowledge Base in the App
  2. Select the Page you want to create a subpage for. A Main Page can have 4 levels of subpages
  3. To Create a Page, click on "+ Add page"
  4. Choose a Banner image for the page. Recommended resolution is: 1100x300px / 11:3
  5. Add a title to the Page
  6. Add content to the Page
  7. Add attachments to the Page
  • Now you can either save the Page as draft or publish instantly.
    • If the Page is published, every assigned user of the Main Page can see the Page.
    • If the Page is drafted, only Editors of the Main Page can see the Page as draft and edit it.
  • A draft can always be published (to make it visible for the viewers) or drafted again (to make it invisible for the viewers)
  • Note: All subpages of a draft will be displayed as not visible until the parent Page is published again.

Pages are sorted in the overview from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom. Based on their page hierarchy.

We currently add a default Knowledge Base icon to each page that doesn't have a subpage.

This default Knowledge base icon will be replaced with a Hide & Collapse icon if sub-pages exist.

Edit a Page

You can edit the page while it is being published.

You can also mark the page as a draft, edit it, and then publish it again.

Delete a Page

If you want to delete a Page, press the three-dot menu and click on "Delete page".



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