Register new Identifiers

Navigate to Certificates, IDs & Profiles -> Certificates -> Identifiers

In this step, we create two identifiers. Ensure that they have the exact wording as described in the following sections.


App Identifier

  1. Click on the Plus Icon to create a new Identifier
  2. Select App IDs as Identifier
  3. Press Continue
  4. Select App as App type
  5. Press Continue
  6. In the field description, enter Flip Employee App
  7. In the filed Bundle ID enter com.[my-flip-org-name].employeeapp
  8. Select under Capabilities
    1. Associated Domains
    2. Push Notifications
  9. Press Continue


Notification Identifier

  1. Click on the Plus Icon to create a new Identifier
  2. Select App IDs as Identifier
  3. Press Continue
  4. Select App as App type
  5. Press Continue
  6. In the field description, enter Flip Notification Service
  7. In the filed Bundle ID enter com.[my-flip-org-name].employeeapp.NotificationService
  8. Under Capabilities, select Push Notifications
  9. Press Continue

Next Step:

→ Register a New Provisioning Profile

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