Google Play declarations

After you have created the app, you need to set it up.

  1. Navigate to the app in the Google Play Console
  2. Click on Monitor and improve > Policy and programmes > App Content in the left navigation bar
  3. Follow the instructions below to fill out the complete questionnaire in the Google Play Console.


Privacy policy

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Enter the URL of your privacy policy in the Privacy policy field. This consists of your domain and a path:


  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select No, my app does not contain ads
  3. Press Safe

App access

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select All or some functionality in my app is restricted
  3. Provide a test user and instructions for your system

Content ratings

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Enter a email-address
  3. Select as Category Social or communication
  4. Press Next
  5. Fill out the form using the table:
Which of the following would best describe the app? Communication
Does the app share the user's current and precise physical location with other users? No
Does the app allow users to purchase digital goods? No
Does the app include the ability to block users or user-generated content? Yes
Does the app include the ability to report users or user-generated content? Yes
Can interactions in the app be limited to invited friends only? No
Does the app include chat moderation? No
  • Press Save and Next
  • Press Save


Target audience and content

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select 16-17 and 18 and over
  3. Press Next
  4. Select No at Appeal to children
  5. Press Next and Safe

News apps

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select No
  3. Press Safe

Data safety

  1. Download our CSV File (In the end of this article)
  2. Start with the declaration
  3. In the top right corner, press Import from CSV
  4. Upload the CSV
  5. Press Next and Safe

Advertising ID

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select No
  3. Press Safe

Government apps

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select No
  3. Press Safe

Financial features

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select at the bottom My app doesn't provide any financial features
  3. Press Next and Safe

Health apps

  1. Start with the declaration
  2. Select at the bottom My app does not have any health features
  3. Press Safe


Next Step:

→ Set up Store Settings

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