The Flip Post API for posts, comments, and attachments

Further guidance on this topic:

Post API: Reading posts, comments, and attachments

Post API: Writing posts

Post API: Uploading attachments


The domains of the Post API are as followed:

  1. Create, read, update and delete (CRUD) posts
  2. Create, read, update and delete (CRUD) comments
  3. Upload and get the state of attachments

In contrast to the Sync API, you do not need a dedicated API client to use the Post API. The Post API always uses an active user account and is therefore bound to the user rights resulting from the user role and channel memberships. Find more information about how to authenticate in the dedicated chapter in our API specification.


Post API specification

Please find our API specification with the link below. We recommend testing the API with Postman, Insomnia, or a similar tool to become familiar with the specification.

Flip API Documentation - Post

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