How to add menu items based on user groups?

1. Activate menu items based on user groups

If you have not activated Menu items based on user groups yet and you want to manage the Menu items based on user groups, contact your Customer Success Manager and they will activate it for you. This only needs to be done one time.

After activation, two menu tabs for the menu items are shown in the Admin Console:

  1. Menu items (Channels) for managing menu items based on channels.
  2. Menu items (User groups) for managing menu items based on user groups.

The activation only enables the menu items based on user groups tab and does not yet change any behaviour for the end user. They still see the menu items based on channels.

2. Create/Migrate menu items based on channels to based on user groups

Now that both tabs are shown in the admin console, the menu items can be manually migrated from being based on channels to being based on user groups.

How can I create, edit and delete a menu item?

💡 The users don’t see any menu tiles based on user groups until your customer success manager activates it for you.

3. Toggle the switch for users to see menu items based on user groups

After all menu items are created based on user groups, contact your customer success manager to switch from channel-based to user group based menu items, so that all users now see the menu tiles based on their user group assignment. With this switch, the tab in the admin console "Menu items (Channels)" disappears and from now on, it is only possible to manage menu items based on user groups.

4. Add owner role to users of user groups

To allow other users to manage the individual menu items in the admin console, they must be added as owners of the user group that is selected

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