Getting Started with User Groups

To manage user groups, open the Admin Console and navigate to User management > User groups.

Add new user group


  1. In the top right corner, click “Add user group”.
  2. Fill in the name for the user group. The name is visible everywhere where user groups can be selected.
  3. Select a parent group. The parent user group is the user group one level above.
    Owners from the parent user group are also automatically owner of the new user group.
    Members from the parent group are not automatically members of the new user group and can be assigned afterwards.
    You can only select user groups from which you are an owner (and accordingly all user groups below those).
    If no user group exists already or you want to create one on the highest level, do not use “All Users” as the parent user group but the root user group instead. More information about the default user groups.
  4. Add an optional description for the user group.
  5. Add optional owners for the user group. Owners from a user group above are automatically implicit owner of the new user group. More information about user group roles and permissions.
  6. Click “Create user group”.

Adding members to the user group


  1. Click on the user group where you want to add members.
    The side card for the user group opens on the right. In this side card, everything for the user group can be managed.
  2. Select the Members tab.
    In the table, all member of the user group are shown with their respective role and assignment type (more about the primary assignment). In newly created user groups, you can see the owners that were selected when the user group was created.
  3. Click on “Add members” to open the user select dialogue.
  4. Select users you want to add to the user group. You can only select users for which you are allowed to manage. More information about user group roles and permissions.
  5. Click on “Add members” to assign the users to the user group. All members should now appear in the member list.

Add user group owners


  1. Click on the user group where you want to change the ownership and select the members tab.
  2. Click the three dots next to a user and click “Add user as owner”. Alternatively, select multiple users and click “Add owner role” in the multi select filed in the top left corner of the table.
  3. In the Owner tab of the member table, you can check all owners of the user group.

Change primary user group for user

For a detailed description of the primary user group and its effects, see More information about the primary assignment.

  1. Click on the user group where you want to assign the user primarily to and select the members tab.
  2. Click the three dots next to the user and click “Set as primary user group”. Alternatively, select multiple users and click “Set as primary user group” in the multi select field in the top left corner of the table.
  3. Confirm the change of the primary assignment of the user. The user will be primarily assigned to the user group when this action is performed.

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