Discover the latest improvements and bug fixes in Flip on this page.
- Flip Web: Fix error when opening specific pages
- PWA: Show download button and error when migration code creation failed
- Flip Web: Prevent published or archived posts from showing up in the scheduled posts list
- Admin Console: Fix visibility of drag handles for user group menu items
- Flip Web: Fix highlights not being displayed
- Admin Console: Fix the visibility of channel-based menu items when user groups are activated
- Admin Console: Added new swirl tree navigation style in console
- Flip Web: Show user profile information on livestream page
- Flip Web: Highlight users Reaction in preview
- Flip Web: Fix co-hosts user selection not scoped to channel
- Improve Accept-Language header parsing
- Flip Web: Fix viewers being kicked out of stream too early
- Tasks: create activity after finishing task assignments
- Comment count is always zero for update post real time events
- Admin Console: Show relative dates with the correct translations
- Flip Web: Fix channel red badges do not go away
- Flip Web: Fix app does not show all posts
- PWA: Show download button and error when migration code creation failed
- Fix async user group based channel assignment has race condition with normal channel assignment during user import with external user sync api
- App Migration: Allow for non-branded apps
- Chats: Fix problem with no chat admins in a chat
- Fixed translation string for menuitems not based on usergroups
- Flip Web: Hide the post author selection if user cannot post on behalf of another user
- Flip Web: Fix an issue that prevents images of comments and chat messages from displaying correctly when clicked
- User API V4: Mark as non-experimental
- Flip Web: Add post on behalf user as livestream host
- Flip Web: Show post title in Livestream page
- Flip Web: Allow livestream viewers to view participants
- Flip Web: Add chat-like scroll behavior to livestream comments
- Flip Web: Improve livestream host grid sorting
- Flip Web: Add Activity count to Activity badge
- Admin Console: Add post approval setting to channel settings
- Flip Web: Fix Livestream incorrect selected microphone when changing the system default
- Flip Web: Fix broken emoji popover on edit comment modal
- Flip Web: Livestream double click on comment button leads to empty sidebar
- Flip Web: Fix app bars to allow truncation of heading
- Flip Web: Fix GIF picker usage in drafts
- Flip Web: Handle task comment activities with no text content
- Flip Console: Add virtual scrolling and pagination to user group select popover
- Flip Web: Fix performance issues caused by editing members in large channels
- Posting on behalf | do not show ghostwriter assignments for users who cannot manage them
- Posting on behalf | filter out the assignments from the search results that actor cannot manage
- Posting on behalf | channel contributors can also post on behalf of other users
- Add missing translations
- Admin Console: Fix an issue displaying an empty value when selecting users for posting on behalf
- PWA: New landing page for new mobile apps
- Flip Web: Use livestream recordings from Flip API
- Flip Web: Show list of livestream participants
- Flip Web: Show notification when livestream recording is ready
- Posting on behalf | adaptation of post creation logic to support posting on behalf
- Keycloak templates: Add missing margin to social provider buttons
- Keycloak templates: Fix display of login form when credentials are the only login option
- Keycloak templates: Fix styling for old browser versions
- Keycloak templates: Remove border around OTP login submit button
- Flip Web: Fix not properly leaving livestream
- Flip Web: Validate the content size of pages to prevent server errors
- PWA: Fix an issue resulting in post authors incorrectly displayed as deleted users
- Flip Web: Fix an issue displaying the incorrect user profile when the author of a comment is clicked
- Chat migration api: Added missing duplicate chat validation
- External Post API V2: Do not run language detection when content language is specified at creation
- Org Lookup: Recreate ORGANISATION_NAME keywords if they were deleted
- Flip Web: Mirror comments and reactions permissions to Livestream
- Posting on behalf | Assignable users API - spec and implementation
- Posting on behalf | permission checks for all the use cases
- Posting on behalf | Endpoint for getting available authors
- Posting on behalf | Add manage GhostwriterAssignment action information to console bootstrapping
- Posting on behalf | Batch endpoint for delete ghostwriter assignments
- App Transition: Allow flutter-to-flutter migration
- Flip Web: Issue with selected calendar days when navigating months
- Admin Console: Consistent three-dot menu
- Admin Console: Fix validation in ‘create and add another user’
- Flip Web: Display channel members for admins even if member display is deactivated for the channel
- Admin Console: Fix validation in ‘create and add another user’
- Flip Web: Display channel members for admins even if member display is deactivated for the channel
- Flip Web: Handle livestream upcoming notification
- Flip Web: Improve livestream player styles
- App Transition: Allow transition from custom domain to org domain
- Flip Web: Fix an issue causing events to now show up in the calendar
- Flip Web: Chat stays unread sometimes
- Flip Web: Datepicker shows incorrect initial month view
- OpenAPI allowing for upload of more than 10 attachments for some entities
- Flip Web: Fixes an issue that causes the chat to jump/scroll to the wrong place
- Support translations from and to Ukrainian
- Posts: include survey choice data in bookmarks
- PWA: Non appearing pop up refactored
- Flip Web & PWA: Fix action link usage for menu items with displayOption
- Admin Console: Don’t navigate away from analytics dashboard for mobile app transition on reload
- Flip Web: Only allow inviting channels to a calendar event if the inviting user has managing rights for the channel
- Flip Web: Fix calendar event invitations counter
- Flip Web: Show toast when failing to join, start or end livestream
- Flip Web: Improve feedback when starting the livestream
- Flip Web: Add livestream viewer controls
- Flip Web: Add livestream reactions for hosts
- Flip Web: Create Livestream Viewer Player Component
- Flip Web: Use new Livestream viewer components
- Flip Web: Allow themes with rectangular corners
- Flip Web: Calendar events get removed once logged out and logged in again
- Removing imported chat message language detection due to blockage issues
- Fix search and pagination is broken in user admin console people management view
- Flip Web: Fix an issue preventing the app from loading correctly
- Flip Web: prevent opening of new window on push notification click
- Flip Web: Correctly hide the comment reporting button if the feature is not activated
- Flip Web: Remove unsupported translation button of task comments
- SSO: Possibility to map upstream IdP claims to flip access tokens
- Flip Web: Improve livestream host grid to support screen share and multiple hosts
- Flip Web: Add post comments to livestream page
- Flip Web: Add microphone and camera selection to livestream
- Flip Web: Fixes and improvements on livestream host page
- Flip Web: Host from livestream page
- Admin Console: Update branding of root user group
- Flip Web: Fix livestream host joining issue and block leaving while joining
- Flip Web: Allow post surveys when editing posts
- SSO: Possibility to map upstream IdP claims to flip access tokens
- Admin Console: Update branding of root user group
- Flip Web: Allow post surveys when editing posts
- Flip Web: Allow publish and unpublish of a page without refresh
- User API V4: Allow query by external_id
- User Group API V4: Allow query by external_id
- Analytics: Separate help links for each dashboard
- Flip Web: Display livestream hosts list
- User Deletion: Fix styling in deletion settings
- User Groups: Navgiate to created child user group after creation
- Fix missing scheduledAt value for the livestream live notifications
- Fix for interrupted active livestream response - livestream ended live notification
- Fix: Removed the author restrictions on the post reaction migration endpoint
- Menu item is moved to last position on update
- Mobile: Allow login from all custom app schemes from mobile-review tenant
- Flip Web: Honor restrict interactions in chat-user-search
- Task API v4: fix problem when updating a Task with existing attachments.
- Flip Web: Hide gif picker when files are uploaded
- Flip Web: GIF Picker
- Flip Web: Add option to copy channel URLs to the clipboard
- Flip Web: Fix a scrolling issue of the main navigation
- Flip Web: Fix an issue sometimes displaying posts in the wrong order
- Flip Web: Allow opening of open channel URLs for users that aren’t a member
- Fix missing redirect for iOS branded app from landing page
- Flip Web: Prevent inline images from being changed to header images after cropping
- Flip Web: Fix a bug causing unsaved changes to a task to get lost while editing
- Flip Web: Fix an issue breaking keyboard controls / focus trap of media galleries
- Fix Azure Flexible Server permissions affecting read-write group members
- Flip Web: Redesgin news navigation elements
- Console: Show Remove image button only if profile image of technical user is set
- Flip Web: Make the calendar respect the user’s theme setting
- Admin Console: Fix channel avatars if channel name starts with an emoji
- Flip Web: Fix display of open channel avatars if the channel name starts with an emoji
- Flip Web: Disable automatic browser translations for input fields which are preventing some users from entering content in input fields
- Flip Web: Fix an issue with outdated chat lists after the user’s device lost and re-established the internet connection
- Admin Console: Show onboarding status of user in user table
- Flip Web: Sort scheduled posts by publication date
- Flip Web: Allow to collapse the navigation of the News app
- Flip Web: Enable toggle to enable/disable comments and reactions for individual posts
- Flip Web: Prevent comments from showing up under unrelated posts
- Flip Web: Hide post highlighting button while editing a post if the user is not allowed to highlight posts
- Flip Web: Fix an issue causing the tasks list to show an infinite loading state
- Flip Web: redirect when routing to deleted post
- Flip Web: Fix an issue resulting in inconsistent unread message indicators in the chat list
- Flip Web: Use correct deletion color for buttons
- Flip Web: redirect when routing to deleted post
- API Clients: Possibility to add avatar images
- PWA & Flip Web: Display hard deleted user as "Deleted User"
- Flip Web: Prevent prohibited removal of channel members assigned via a user group
- Flip Web: Don’t show posts as ‘edited’ if edits were done before publication
- Flip Web: Add missing languages for UI translations
- Admin Console: Fixed user group search in user detail
- Flip Web: Fix an issue turning a post’s first inline images into a gallery image after editing the post
- Flip Web: Route to open channel when viewing posts in not-joined open channels
- Flip Web: Show post comment button with counter on smaller viewports
- Flip Web: Fix user messages incorrectly displayed as incoming messages after a new login
- Flip Web: Fix groupchat picture edit
- Auth: Allow TOTP to be configured without manual intervention
- BE and Clients: React on restored user realtime event
- Flip Web: Update livestream host view to support multiple video streams
- Flip Web: Enhance post form with new livestream section
- Flip Web: Add gap between list items
- Tasks API V4: Support embedding of assignment summary in distributed tasks for author
- Flip Web: Don’t show unread message indicators for archived chats
- Flip Web: Prevent outdated app data after the user’s device was offline
- Fix bug where users cannot be deleted and created if another deleted user with the same username exists
- Task API | add GET single task endpoint
- Flip Web: Allow editors to (de-)activate reactions and comments per post
- Flip Web: New create post button in feed
- Flip Web: Allow broadcast host to rejoin session
- Flip Web: Warn host when ending broadcast
- Admin Console: Fix user creation when email field was touched and is empty
- Flip Web: Fix translation of static keyboard keys in shortcut modal
- Flip Web: Fix an issue resulting in posts being created without comments and reactions enabled
- Flip Web: Hide chat button on own profile modal
- Flip Web: Fix a scrolling issue inside the post reactions list
- Flip Web: Fix an issue preventing users to create mentions after text was pasted to the chat input
- Admin Console: Fix menu item URL validation to allow valid URLs previously marked as invalid
- Flip Web: Hide create post button when missing permission to create posts
- Flip Web: Add grid layout option for the main navigation
- Flip Web: Don't replace emojis shortcodes within URLs
- Flip Web: Fix button focus states on create task modal
- Flip Web: Correctly display distributed overdue tasks in list
- Flip Web: Correctly store and restore the user's main navigation settings
- Flip Web: Hide create post button when missing permission to create posts
- Flip Web: Correctly update comments when switching between posts via activities
- Flip Web: Allow upload of files with unknown file type in chats and comments
- Console: Position popovers of table row menus correctly
- Flip Web: Fix calendar event creation failing due to missing start or end time validation
- Flip Web: Fix the post reraction button sometimes not showing its correct state
- Flip Web: Don't show join channel option for channels that can't be joined
- Admin Console: Evaluate `swirl-preferred-theme` to set analytics dashboard theme correctly
- Flip Web: Fix an issue with the chat list not showing the most recent message preview
- Always show post header
- Admin Console: Add missing analytics dashboard headers
- User Groups: Show correct transitive user group count
- Admin Console: Fix VERIFY_EMAIL login action in the admin console does not require user to verify email
- Gateway: Fix HTTP 415 when requesting media info or thumbnails for large images
- Flip Web: Fix styling of headings used in post, task and event content
- Flip Web: Fix pages toast colors
- PWA: Remove whats new article
- PWA & Flip Web: Display hard deleted users with the `deleted user` placeholder in the clients
- Flip Web: Allow upload of same file multiple times
- PWA: Don't show users as deleted
- Admin Console: Add text style settings for user group menu items
- PWA: Implement Sundown Screen after Migration
- PWA: Confirmation Modal for skipping PWA Migration
- PWA: Migration Code screen can react to offline state
- Flip Web: Display Identity Provider Management link in the mainnavigation for users with the necessary access rights
- Flip Web: add new shortcuts to help modal, add link to support pagein shortcut modal
- Flip Web: Fix accessibility issues concerning the News app
- Flip Web: Fix shortcut for adding post as bookmarked
- Flip Web: Fix appearence of reaction menu on top left of screen whenusing the shortcut
- Flip Web: Keep focus on post after reacting to it with shortcut
- Fix creation of users with duplicate email addresses
- Fix users cannot use app after they changed their email
- Flip Web: Fix opening user profile on click on reaction
- Flip Web: Fix alignment of messagte actions
- Flip Web: Correctly navigate to completed tasks when opened via push notification
- Flip Web: Restore newsfeed scroll position when navigating back from post
- Fix password validation errors are not properly exposed in external user sync api
- API Clients: Show correct error message when using a reserved client id
- Flip Web: Display translated survey choices
- Flip Web: Fix max width for chat messages
- Flip Web: Add support for animated images in webp format
- Flip Web: Fix position of reaction previews in group chats
- Sending push notifications causes SNAT exhaustion
- PWA: Code expiration in code migration screen
- PWA: More migration banners throughout the app
- Add copied text on the side of the copied icon button and added reset countdown
- PWA: Fix override of primary color of button
- BE: Fix reveresed app store links
- PWA: Popover in open browser for capacitor
- Flip Console: Fix modal action "create and add another user"
- Admin Console: Open details drawer consistently after creation of items
- Admin Console: SwirlResourceListItem has wrong HTML structure and gets stringified
- Flip Web: Fix date formatting in task meta data according to the user's locale
- Flip Web: Fix conflicts of shortcuts with already occupied keys, prevent navigation on typing and on item creation modal
- Flip Web: Properly set text from ChatWithMe Links
- Flip Web: Don’t show chat button in user profiles if chatfunctionality is disabled
- Flip Web: Fix sporadic failures of changes between light and darkmode
- Flip Web: Fix text color for deleted messages
- Flip Web: Fix an issue sometimes resulting in missing chatmessages
- Flip Web: Fix News button behavior when inside post details
- Fix unread count in chats if some messages are hard deleted
- Flip Web: Pin comments to the top in Posts
- Flip Web: Fix an issue causing loading issues of thechat
- PWA: Fix display of newsfeed highlight images
- Flip Web and PWA: Allow embed for youtube livestreams
- Flip Web: Allow for mutli-word search terms in employee directorysearch
- Flip Web: Navigate to existing chat after leaving a group chat
- Flip Web: Prevent chat preview to incorrectly display users asdeleted
- Flip Web: Scroll to respective message when clicking on searchresult
- Flip Web: Properly set text from ChatWithMe Links
- Flip Web: Remove associated posts form newsfeed when leaving an openchannel
- Flip Web: Store attachments for drafts
- Flip Web: Show unread badge for active chat if app is inbackground
- Flip Web: Prevent duplicate post creation
- Flip Web: Fix an issue resulting in an endless loading state ofthe chats list
- Admin Console: Provide correct error messages for channel memberrole changes
- Channel overview badge appears sometimes again
- Fix misleading description of response with post ids
- Flip Web: Correctly sign out locked users
- Flip Web: Don’t show PWA switch in user settings modal, if old PWAfor Desktop is disabled
- Flip Web: Hide edit and delete calendar event buttons forunauthorized users
- Flip Web: Prefill comment text in input field when editing a comment
- Flip Web: Hide survey button when editing tasks and events
- Flip Web: Add hover to emoji picker
- Flip Web: Add help modal for new hotkeys and keybaord navigation
- PWA: Add installation_id to PWA
- PWA: Add Migration Banner to settings page
- PWA: New copy code flow
- Flip Web: Add appearance settings page to allow users to switchbetween light and dark mode
- Flip Web: Fix an issue preventing on leave messages from notbeing displayed in the chat feed
- Flip Web: Fix the automatic detection of links/URLs inuser-generated content
- Flip Web: Correctly sign out locked users
- Flip Web: Fix an authentication issue resulting in a broken appstate caused by failed access token renewals
- PWA: Scrolling in migration screens implemented for landscape
- Flip Web: Fix accessibility issues concerning the shell layout header, main navigation and activities
- Fixed bug where no verification mail was send after changing it
- Admin Console: Fixed missing column "Role" in People Management
- Admin Console: Fixed bug where Excel Import tab was shown to users not having it activated
- Flip Web: Optimize loading of the chats list
- Flip Web/PWA: Fix display issue of highlighted posts
- Allow embed of movingimage livestreams
- Flip Web: Prevent chat message menus to be overlaid by the activities sidebar
- Flip Web: Prevent the PDF viewer from printing additional empty pages for some documents
- Flip Web: Fix a display issue of badges inside the chats list
- Fix wrong default color for text subdued (e.g. time in comments, replies in chat)
- Flip Web: Fix filtering of reaction lists
- Flip Web: Fix an issue causing images in chat messages not disappearing immediately after deleting the message
- Flip Web: Fix bullet list display in posts
- Flip Web: Fix opening of posts when clicking an associated push notification
- Flip Web: Fix an issue preventing post creation with inline images
- Flip Web: Fix display of post excerpt inside feeds
- Flip Web: Implement the new design for comments
- Flip Web: Show correct comments feed for post
- Flip Web: Fix display of post excerpt inside feeds
- Flip Web: Prevent duplication of show more button on post preview
- Flip Web: Prevent the PDF viewer from printing additional empty pages for some documents
- Flip Web: Fix a display issue of badges inside the chats list
- Flip Web: Fix filtering of reaction lists
- Flip Web: Make reaction list users clickable
- PWA: Fix an issue resulting in broken newsfeed renderings for some users
- PWA: Show title image (not inline image) in post highlight
- Show Data Protection Officer name instead of company name in Privacy Policy
- Admin Console: Fix display on unauthorized user group menu items page
- Admin Console: Display updated menu item status
- Admin Console: Fix an issue resulting in errors when trying to add more than 100 members to a channel
- Admin Console: Display updated menu item status
- Admin Console: Fix display of default member role of a channel
Admin Console: Fixed the problem that the role was no longer displayed in the person management table
Security: Hiding the security settings for SSO users
Authentication: Extension of the expiration time of the password reset link to 24h
- Flip Web: Fix an issue preventing the last member of a group chat from leaving
- Flip Web: Fix an issue rendering the chat emoji button inaccessible
- Flip Web: Fix missing published at date in post header
- Flip Web: Change translation keys for post scheduling labels
- Flip Web: Fix a chat issue, sometimes showing a blank screen
- Flip Web: Always show the newest messages after quoting older messages
- Flip Web: Do not mark scheduled posts as edited after publication
- Flip Web: Print all pages of a PDF when using the PDF viewer
- Flip Web: Format dates based on locale
- Flip Web: Fix printing size of PDF viewer
- Flip Web: Fix emoji display in channel selection
- Flip Web: Fix label of buttons to remove channel members
- Flip Web: Automatically add a space after a mention
- Flip Web: Hide expired absence banners
- Flip Web: Increase post preview image resolution to prevent visual artefacts
- Flip Web: Keep the current route when deleting a post via feed pages (newsfeed, scheduled posts, saved posts, …)
- Flip Web: Fix display of italic text
- Flip Web: Adjust styling/readability of surveys
- Flip Web: Fix loading issue of chat list after leaving the search
- Flip Web: Don’t allow html in resource list items (or sanitize input before)
- Flip Web: Remove min-height for post ql editor
- Flip Web: Display video as video after post edit
- Flip Web: Set min height for rich text editor input field
- Flip Web: Preserve line breaks when restoring or pasting chat messages and comments
- Flip Web: Add translation keys in singular for relative time formats in activities
- Flip Web: Mark users as active after first login
- Flip Web: Display ‘User never logged in’ banner in employee directory
- Flip Web: Fix readability of calendar event labels
- Flip Web: Make sure author is loaded to display post header
- Flip Web: Fix display of open source licenses information
- Flip Web: Fix chat list loading issue in Safari
- Flip Web: Fix various errors while searching
- Flip Web: Reload chats after socket connection was re-opened
- Flip Web: Fix assigned tasks in progress not shown
- Flip Web: Add translation key to like button in post preview
- Flip Web: Add multiple missing profile links
- Flip Web: Scroll to messages opened via search
- Flip Web: Prevent images from scrolling in front of footer input
- Flip Web: Adjust main navigation toggle icon
- Flip Web: Reset chat search after writing a message or navigating back to the chat main page
- Flip Web & PWA: Correctly hide email controls for SSO Users
- Flip Web: Improve contrast of custom branding colors [MIGRATION][DATAPIPELINES]
- Flip Web: Add translation keys for buttons to join or leave an open channel
- Flip Web: Fix the missing post header
- Flip Web: Quoted Message full width
- Flip Web/PWA: Don’t render colored text in posts
- Flip Web: Show all user reactions in the reaction lists of posts, messages and comments
- Flip Web: Fix an inconsistency in displayed activities between Flip Web and the old PWA
- Flip Web: Change loading strategy for avatars
- Flip Web: Change the icon highlighting channels excluded from the newsfeed
- Flip Web: Prevent channel list icons from shrinking
- PWA: Fix initial display of survey vote count
- Post API: returns 500 status when querying a post with only 1image inline in post body
- Translations | Add Arabic language to Flip
- Language detection: Chinese language was not mapped correctly
Ensure that the department can be searched in the channel search in Admin Console
Ensure channel members are sorted correctly (first name A-Z) in Admin Console
Ensure that only Channel Admins can see the Analytics section in the Admin Console
Fix broken post highlights
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