How do I create a form?

1. Creation of a new form

To create a new form in WPForms, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress account: Log in to your WordPress account.
  2. Navigate to WPForms: Click on the "WPForms" tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard. There you will find an overview of forms that have already been created and the option to create new ones.
  3. Create a new form: Click on "+ Add new form".
  4. Select a template or create a blank form: You have the option to select one of the ready-made form templates or click on "Create blank form" to open a blank form.
  5. Add fields: In the "Add fields" column on the left, you can drag and drop selected fields into the form.
  6. Insert the finished form into a page: To integrate the form into the app, you must first integrate it into a page. You can find out how to do this here.

These are the basic steps to create a new form in WPForms. If you want to make further adjustments or use advanced settings, additional options are available.

2. Use of templates

The templates will be displayed as soon as you click on "+ Add new form".

There you will find the following templates:

  • Order form
  • Ideas & Innovations
  • Contact form works council
  • Sick note
  • Employees recruit employees
  • Damage report
  • training requests
  • Vacation request

3. Define recipient of the form

3.1 Storing an e-mail address for the recipient of the form data

  1. Click on "Settings" on the left-hand side and then on "Notifications" A notification card will open.
    1. Name the notification card as required, e.g. "Recipient of sick notes".
    2. Recipient's e-mail → enter one or more e-mail addresses here to which the completed forms should be sent.
    3. Define the e-mail subject line → e.g. New sick note
    4. Name of the sender (from) → You can enter a desired name here to make the mail recognizable for the recipient.
    5. Email message → You can enter a standard message here.

4. Activation of conditional logic

If the recipient of a form is dependent on a certain value, a logic can be stored for this.


If "Department 1" is selected in the Department field, the mail is to be sent to "E-mail address 1".

If "Department 2" is selected in the Department field, the mail is to be sent to "E-mail address 2".

To do this, activate the "Conditional logic" in the notification settings.

In order to store the logic of this example, clone the notification and store "E-mail address 2" here as the recipient mail and replace "Department 1" with "Department 2" in the conditional logic.

You can repeat this process as often as you like to set up multiple notifications.


5. Important setting for forms with file upload

❗️Please note that without these settings the uploaded documents of the employees cannot be opened.

If your form contains file uploads, perform the following steps per notification:

  1. Click on "Advanced" at the very bottom of your notification
  2. Activate "Enable file upload of attachments”
  3. File upload fields: Select all fields to be displayed here.

Important: As form entries are usually sent by e-mail, they are subject to the usual size restrictions for e-mail attachments. Files larger than 15 MB are therefore not sent.
To make the user aware of this and avoid attachments larger than 15 MB, enter the maximum file size of 15 in the field options and add this as a written note for the end user:


If the user uploads an attachment that is too large, they will receive an error message.

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