FlipAI - Generate a Post-Summary with one click

💡 This function is an add-on. It is therefore only available if it is included in the scope of functions of your employee app.

🚨Note: We care about privacy, so this feature is currently only available to customers who inform their users that we use the ChatGPT API.

With just one click, summaries for entire posts can be created using FlipAI.


How to create a summary?

  1. Write the post as usual.
  2. Once you are done, click on the Bildschirm_foto_2023-03-15_um_14.45.49.png icon.
  3. The summary is now created and can be found at the beginning of the post.

💡 What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a conversational chatbot and has been available to the public since November 2022. Input can be written in any language and the results can hardly be distinguished from human responses.



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