When do I receive push notifications/activities?

You can be informed about news in the app via push notifications or activities.
Push notifications are sent directly to your smartphone/desktop. How you can set these up is described here: How can I adjust push notifications on my smartphone and PC?

You can find activities in the app by clicking on the bell at the top right of the news overview.

You receive push notifications and activities for the following actions:

📢 Posts

Post created by you

Note: If someone creates a post on your behalf, you will receive the same activities and push notifications as those listed here.


Push notifications Activities

When someone reacts to your post

John Doe liked your post in samplegroup.

When someone comments on your post

💬 Comment on "Title" John Doe: "Comment" John Doe commented on your post in samplegroup: "Content"

If someone has edited your post

John Doe edited your post in samplegroupe.

If someone deleted your post

John Doe deleted your post in samplegroup.


Post created by someone else


Push notifications Activities

When someone creates a post

📣 Post @samplechannel: "Title" -

React or comment
on someone else's post to receive push notifications or activity about further comments.


Push notifications Activities

If someone also comments on a post

💬 Comment on "title" John Doe: "Comment" John Doe also commented on a post in samplegroup: "Content"

When someone comments on a post that you have reacted to

John Doe commented on a post you reacted to: "Content"


💬 Chat message

Trigger Push notifications Activities
When someone writes you a message in a one-on-one chat John Doe "Message" -
When someone writes in a group chat John Doe @samplegroupchat "Message" -
When someone mentions you in a message Mention from John Doe "Message" John Doe mentioned you in a chat: "Message”


✔️ Tasks

Trigger Push notifications Activities
Someone has assigned you a task ✔️ Task from John Doe "Task Title” John Doe assigned you a task: "Task title”
Someone has edited your task ✔️ Task from John Doe has been edited "Task Title” John Doe edited a task: "Task title”
Someone has deleted your task One of your tasks has been deleted John Doe deleted a task: "Task title”
Someone has removed you from a task One of your tasks has been deleted John Doe removed you from a task: "Task title”
Someone has done the task you created - John Doe completed a task: "Task title”
When tasks are due during the day Your tasks for today
Look at what to do
When a task is due in two hours 🔜 due task "Task Title” -
When a task has been commented 💬 Comment to the task
John Doe: "Content of comment"
John Doe commented a task: "Content of comment"


🗓️ Calendar

Trigger Push notifications Activities
Someone has set you an appointment 🗓️ Appointment from John Doe "Title of the Event” -
Someone edited your appointment 🗓️ Appointment has been edited "Title of the Event” -
Someone has deleted your appointment 🗓️ Appointment has been deleted "Title of the Event” -

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